Filter for Campaign and Opt In Customer

This use case describes how to retrieve campaigns and allow a customer to participate in one that has some type of outcome (reward) defined for it, such as points or offers that discount a purchase price. These campaigns include behaviors by which customers can perform an action - for example, a purchase or event - and thereby qualify for the outcome. By opting in to the campaign, customers are then eligible to earn the reward for the qualifying behavior.

Customer Journey

One helpful way of understanding this use case is to consider how it reflects the developer's experience, or journey, in the "real world."

Customer logs in to coffee retailer website

Associated profile information is displayed to customer in dashboard

Eligible campaigns displayed for customer, filtered via creatives and behaviors

Customer reviews campaigns/rewards and decides to opt in to one

Customer receives success message for successful opt-in

Customer can now participate in coffee campaign, earning reward for qualifying behavior

Platform Configuration

Before implementing this use case, ensure the following have been configured:


Customer created.


Opt-in Campaign created.

Audience segmentation for campaign already done - if relevant.

Sequence Diagram

See the overall flow for this use case below.

CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CLIENT MIDDLEWARE CLIENT MIDDLEWARE SESSIONM SESSIONM GET CUSTOMER PROFILE 1 Log in 2 Get customer profile 3 Return customer profile 4 Display customer profile GET CAMPAIGNS 5 Navigate to campaigns 6 Get campaigns 7 Return campaigns 8 Display campaigns OPT IN CUSTOMER TO CAMPAIGN 9 Opt in to campaign 10 Request customer opt-in to campaign 11 Opt in customer to campaign 12 Send response for opt-in 13 Display opt-in response


This use case diagram contains multiple tasks, each one depicted in its own color-coded section. For more information, see the overview below.

  1. Get Customer Profile (Use Case Events #1 - #4)

    Convenient way to get combined profile with both standard and custom attributes.

  2. Get Campaigns (Use Case Events #5 - #8)

    Approach for retrieving active campaigns eligible for customer.

  3. Opt In Customer to Campaign (Use Case Events #9 - #13)

    Easy way to opt an eligible customer in to a campaign.

Best Practices

Before a customer opts in to a campaign, you may want to ensure that the system will not award the outcome for a qualifying behavior that occurred in the past. To do this, use a different event or tag as an outcome from the opted-in event. You can use this newly added event or tag as a qualifying behavior that supplements any other client-defined qualifying behaviors to award the outcome.